If you wish to keep on track with our activity, you can follow us on several social media sites.
Optics Trade is a story of how passion grew into a business. But ours is not like any other. It is a story of how we grew and nurtured our online store into becoming one with a versatile product range and substantial stock. What is our recipe? Passion for testing and reviewing products, mixed with a team of passionate hunters, hikers, birdwatchers, and overall optics enthusiasts. Optics Trade is most certainly a people business. We are proud to have built a team that combines passion with talent, as well as hard work. Our motto is helping you decide, and this is also what this YouTube channel is for – to help you decide which product is right for you.
Youtube Channel
Types of Videos we Create and Why:
Optics is why we are all here, and our videos are a flavor of who we are. With each video, we further fulfill our mission. That is, to help people decide.
- Buying Guides: Our greatest passion lies in filming buying guides, as along with having fun filming, these are the videos that help people most – hence the name. In these videos, we take into account all price classes in each category, as well as dive into the advantages and disadvantages of each product. With buying guides, the viewer also gets familiarized with our recommendations, what we believe is the top buy.
- Reviews: With individual reviews of products from all price classes, we showcase detailed descriptions of certain products by unboxing the most popular ones from all categories, namely binoculars, riflescopes, red dots, thermal devices, night vision devices, and their accessories. The detailed descriptions allow us to bring the products closer to you, without actually having to buy them, making the process and your decision easier.
- Debates: Our debates circle around popular and general topics regarding all categories of products. Our main goal is to answer your inquiries as thoroughly as possible, and we do it with great pleasure. Just remember: there is no such thing as a silly question.
- Roundtables: When filming a roundtable, our team gathers around with the intention of debating, engaging in in-depth analysis, and breakdowns on distinct topics. We share our opinions and present novelties regarding all fields of optics. Roundtables are here for you to sit back, unwind, listen, and possibly share your opinions in the comment section.
- In the Field: Optics Trade does not just talk the talk, as we also walk the walk by bringing the mentioned optics with us out in the field. The team creates tangible conditions in which the devices are used. We take products from all categories and actually test them in nature, so our videos get the full, real-life experience.
- Reticle Subtensions: are videos in which, as the name suggests, portray how the reticle works when exposed to a higher magnification and depict how illumination works. The characteristics of a riflescope are one thing, another thing is to look through it and observe said features. Instead of telling you which device is most suited for you, we show you instead.
- See Through: Last but not least, our See Through videos are similar to Reticle Substention videos except that here, we unveil what it looks like to observe through optics such as thermal, night vision devices, binoculars, and many others. Here, you can literally see the world through our lens, through our perspective.
Optics Trade does not ride on a one-way street, as for us to help you decide also means for our team to receive questions, as well as feedback. Hence, if you have a question, critique, advice, an interesting topic to share, or simply praise to make our hard work pay off, let us know by writing an e-mail to info@optics-trade.eu, and the Optics Trade team will gladly respond.
Our company is highly active in the writing of articles, focusing on the topics linked to sports optics and rifle mounts. We post the content on several websites. The first one is Optics Info, a place where you can find descriptions and photos of the newly presented products, exhibited at fairs such as Shot Show and IWA. Sometimes, we review the products we reckon deserve more attention, even though they might have been in production for quite a while. The content on this website is in English. Optik Info is the Slovene equivalent of Optics-Info – everything posted here is in Slovene. Along with the articles on new products, we post products manuals and invitations to shooting competitions/events in Slovenia on this website. Here, you will also find reports from various shooting-related events, and a glossary of most commonly used terms from the fields of sports optics and rifle mounts. Optics Trade Blog is where we post transcriptions of the debates found on our Youtube channel, product manuals, and optics buying guides. A glossary of the most common terms from the fields of sports optics and rifle mounts is also on this website. Everything on this blog is in English.
Optics Info
Optik Info
Optics Trade Blog
We manage five Facebook profiles, each for a certain target audience. The Optics-trade.eu profile is meant for hunters. The content that we post on it is hunting-related, encompassing novelties in hunting from around the world with a focus on optics and rifle mounts, interesting facts, reports from hunting events, and much more. If you are an avid sport- or tactical shooter, then our Optics Trade – Shooting and Tactical profile is the right pick. Here we provide our followers with useful data from the field of optics, mounts, and rifles from the tactical section. From time to time, we post interesting facts and videos on the topic as well. For outdoor and marine enthusiasts, we’ve created the Optics trade – Birding, Nature & Marine profile. The content posted here encompasses everything related to nature, sea, and mountains, with a focus on the use of optics in these environments. Birdwatchers, sailors, and hikers are the target audience of this profile. For the astronomy aficionados, the Optics Trade – Astronomy profile is the right address. On our Optics Info Facebook profile, you will find links to our blogs and the correspondent photo galleries.
Optics Trade Hunting
Optics Trade Shooting and Tactical
Optics Trade Birding, Nature and Marine
Optics Trade Astronomy
Optics Info
We have divided our Instagram profiles in a similar manner – hunting, outdoor, astronomy and tactical.
Optics Trade Hunting
Optics Trade Shooting and Tactical
Optics Trade Birding, Nature and Marine
Optics Trade Astronomy
Other platforms