Founded in 1853 by Heinrich Moser, Johann Conrad Neher, and Friedrich Peyer im Hof, the SIG company started as Schweizerische Waggon Fabrik. After making the Prelaz-Burnand rifle and then the M1863, they got a big order from the Swiss military and changed their name to Schweizerische Industriegesellschaft, or SIG for short. Not long after this they introduced the Mondragon, an early type of auto-loading rifle used in the Mexican Revolution and both World Wars. In 1937, they developed the P210 pistol, which quickly became known for its superior accuracy.
A few years later, SIG made some important changes that would later shape the company’s future. They started using new machines to improve the end quality of their products. With the new P220 handgun and buying companies like J.P. Sauer and Sohn and Hammerli, they became known as SIG Sauer. Over time, their guns like the P226 and P228 became popular with police and military around the world. In fact, about one out of every three US police officers chose to use SIG weapons. To reach more customers, they set up a new company in the US in 1985 and moved it to New Hampshire in 1990.
Entering the 21st century, the brand underwent further transformations. They sold their gun-making part to a company called L&O Holding in 2000 and in 2007, they started making a new line of AR-15-styled firearms like the SIGM400 and changed their name to SIG Sauer, Inc. Additionally, the company started selling other gear and shooting equipment like silencers, pellet guns, and special glasses for shooting with an important U.S. military contract awarded for the P320 in 2017. However, despite such milestones, including the establishment of the SIG Air division and the renaming of Swiss Arms as SIG Sauer AG, the company faced challenges.
They confronted legal action for export law violations and announced the shutdown of the Eckernförde factory in 2020. More recently, in 2023, the P-320 handgun faced scrutiny due to unintentional discharge issues. Despite that, according to the company's officials, SIG Sauer, Inc. remains in business and continues its operations as usual.
SIG SHR 970 Rifle Review
SIG SHR 970 which stands for Swiss Hunting Rifle, is a bolt action precision rifle first introduced in 1998. The rifle was also manufactured by Swiss Arms under the same SHR 970 denomination. In 2000, SIG Sauer sold its firearms division to the Lüke & Ortmeier Group, which renamed the division SAN Swiss Arms AG. In 2019, SAN Swiss Arms AG was renamed SIG Sauer AG.
The rifles are essentially the same apart from different holes spacings on top of the receiver and minor design differences such as stock material and finish. Despite the slight variations, the scope mounts are not interchangeable between SIG SHR 970 and SAN Swiss Arms SHR 970, as the A and C distances are different.
You can find scope mounts for SAN Swiss Arms SHR 970 here:
The SIG SHR 970 rifle is equipped with a 559 mm (22-inch) hammer-forged free-floating barrel. The bottom of the front action ring is slotted, and the barrel is kept in the action by two Allen-headed cross bolts. The rifle's bolt body locks into the action using three equally spaced lugs. For removing the bolt, there's a button on the left rear of the action. A detachable steel magazine can hold up to four rounds and can be released by a button within its aluminum-alloy trigger guard. It is covered by a steel floorplate with a SIG logo.
ON the upper end of receiver there are drilled and tapped holes for scope mounting. On its right side, the rifle's receiver features a safety lever with "S" and "F" markings.
The SIG SHR 970's safety mechanism is a three-position sliding type. The rearmost position, labeled "S", keeps the gun on "SAFE", blocks the sear to prevent firing, and locks the bolt. The center position, marked by a white dot, blocks the sear but permits the bolt to be opened for loading or unloading. In the forwardmost "F" position, the gun can be fired, and the bolt can be operated.
The design of the SHR 970 allows for quick barrel replacement. It also has interchangeablebarrels and a trigger preset at the factory with a pull weight of approximately 2041 g. At the rear end of the stock, the rifle has a thin rubber buttpad, and two QD sling swivel studs are preinstalled. All metal components of the rifle are polished and have a matte blued finish.
Figure 1: SIG SHR 970, chambered for .308 Win. (Source:
SIG SHR 970 Calibers
The rifle can be chambered for the following calibers:
.25-06 Rem.
.270 Win.
.280 Rem.
.308 Win.
.30-06 Spr.
7mm Rem. Mag.
.300 Win. Mag.
The receivers of the SIG SHR 970 rifle come with four drilled and tapped holes which can be used for scope mounting purposes. There are two holes on the front and two on the rear mounting surface.
Please note that the scope mounts are not interchangeable between SIG SHR 970 and SAN Swiss Arms SHR 970, as the A and C distances are different. You can find scope mounts for SAN Swiss Arms SHR 970 here:
Figure 2: The receiver of SIG SHR 970, chambered for .30-06 Spr. (Source:
A: 12.7 mm
B: 93.4 mm
C: 12.7 mm
BHU: 0 mm
Ø: 6-48
R1: R17
R2: R17
Scope Mounts Interchangeable With SIG SHR 970
Rifles that have One-Piece Scope Mounts Interchangeable With SIG SHR 970
For one-piece mounts to fit on a rifle, mounting surfaces on these rifles must match in every dimension.
Currently, we cannot find any rifles that would match the exact dimensions of the SIG SHR 970 mounting surface; thus we are unable to provide you with a list interchangeable one-piece scope mounts.
Rifles That Have Two-Piece Scope Mounts Interchangeable With SIG SHR 970
To meet interchangeability conditions, two-piece mounts must match in all dimensions except the B distance. B distance can vary because two-piece mounts can be installed and adjusted closer or further apart. Rifles that have two-piece scope mounts interchangeable with SIG SHR 970 are the following:
Should you happen to own this rifle and would be willing to share with us more information regarding interchangeability, we kindly ask you to contact us at
Thank you for your help!
Best Scope Mounts for SIG SHR 970
Picatinny Rails for SIG SHR 970
If you want to expand your scope mounting possibilities by adding Picatinny rail on top of your rifle’s receiver, then look no further. This EGW Picatinny rail manufactured in the USA is designed to fit your SIG SHR 970 perfectly. It is made of high-grade aluminum and comes with a 2-year warranty.
Help Us Build Our Riflescope Mounts Database
If you happen to own this or any other rifle, we would appreciate it if you could help us expand our database by sending us some photos of the rifle receiver (the bare mounting surface of the rifle without the scope mounts installed). For your help, our company offers a fair return in terms of practical rewards.
Please send us an email for more information. You can contact us here: