
BRNO Super

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The History of Brno

The history of the Brno company or Czechoslovak Armory (Československá zbrojovka) as it was known prior to WWI, began in the city of Brno in the Czech Republic, formerly known as Czechoslovakia. In 1918, the Brno Rifles factory was established. Before 1918, Brno Plant was an arsenal located in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Brno started producing Mauser 98 rifles in 1920 after buying excess weapons and equipment from Mauser-Oberndorf. These Brno-produced Mausers had a 98/22 designation stamped onto the receivers marking the year of production.

In the period between WWI and WWII, Brno collaborated with the Royal Small Arms Factory in Enfield, England to develop a well-known Bren light machine gun. They produced weapons for the Czechoslovakian and German armies during World War II. After the war, the company was nationalized by the Czechoslovakian government and renamed Zbrojovka Brno. While it was under socialist control until 1989, it switched to the production of sporting weapons which quickly gained a reputation for their reliability. For some time, the company also produced light artillery and several other products such as tractors, typewriters, and early computers.

During the years they presented numerous models of weaponry such as the ZB vz. 26 light machine gun, ZB-50 heavy machine gun, the MG34, several bolt action rifles, ZKM and ZH series, ZKR 551 handgun etc.

The company was privatized in 1990, just three years before Czechoslovakia split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Zbrojovka Brno was acquired by Česká zbrojovka (CZ) in 2008. With the new ownership, they agreed to a longer lease, which allows the business to continue production in rented facilities. They still make high-end products for hunting and competition, including pistols, single-shot and double rifles, combination rifles, as well as over/under shotguns. 

Brno Super Rifle Review

Brno Super is a series of over-and under combination rifles and shotguns inspired by the classic Holland & Holland design and manufactured by Zbrojovka Brno. There are five models in the series, three of them using classic 12-gauge shotgun ammunition for both barrels and the remaining two a combination of 7x65R or 7x57R rifle cartridges and 12-gauge shells.

The shotgun models come with ejectors whereas the combination versions do not. Combination models feature a 14.5 mm dovetail rail which is suitable for scope mounts. Shotguns have no dedicated surface for optics mounting. Moreover, shotguns are available either with a normal single or double trigger, other versions come factory-equipped with a double trigger with an adjustable set trigger.

They all come with two-position tang top safety and chrome-plated barrels. Brno Super guns are opened and loaded by pushing the lever on the upper rear side of the action to the right.

Contrary to the Brno ZH, the barrels are arranged standardly on Brno Super, with the upper one being for shotgun shells and the lower one for rifle cartridges. They can be interchanged within the series; however, according to the manufacturer, they are only suitable for fitting at the factory.

Brno Super combination gun 572.5

Figure 1: Brno Super combination gun 572.5, chambered for 7x65R and 12/70 ga (Source:

Brno Super shotgun 571.1

Figure 2: Brno Super shotgun 571.1, chambered for 2x12 ga (Source:

Brno Super Calibers

The rifle is chambered for the following calibers:

  • 7x57 R

  • 7x65 R


  • 12 ga

Brno Super Variants

Brno Super is available in the following variants:

  • Brno Super 571.1

  • Brno Super 571.6

  • Brno Super 571.7

  • Brno Super 572.5

  • Brno Super 572.6

Models 571.1, 571.6, and 571.7 are only available as a double barrel shotgun version, chambered for 12-gauge shotgun shells. The other two models are chambered for a combination of either 7x57R/12 ga or 7x65R/12 ga.

Brno Super combination guns come with milled 14.5 mm dovetail grooves at the top of the receiver which are suitable for installing scope mounts.

The receiver of Brno Super

Figure 3: The receiver of Brno Super, chambered for 7x65R and 12 ga (Source:

The mounting surface of Brno Super

A: /

B: /

C: /

D: 14.5 mm

BHU: 0 mm

Ø: /

R1: Prisma 14.5/60°

R2: Prisma 14.5/60°

Scope Mounts Interchangeable With Brno Super

Rifles That Have One-Piece Scope Mounts Interchangeable With Brno Super 

For one-piece mounts to fit on a rifle, mounting surfaces on these rifles must match in every dimension. Rifles that have one-piece mounts interchangeable with Brno Super are the following:

Rifles That Have Two-Piece Scope Mounts Interchangeable With Brno Super

For two-piece mounts to be interchangeable, the mounting surfaces of the rifle must match in every dimension except the action length which can vary. Rifles that have two-piece mounts interchangeable with Brno Super are the following:

Best Scope Mounts for Brno Super

Fixed Scope Mounts for Brno Super

This fixed scope mount manufactured by the Czech company Kozap is made of high-quality steel and will fit the mounting surface of your rifle perfectly.

Detachable Repeatable Scope Mounts for Brno Super

Due to the specific design of a recoil notch, there are not many scope mounts suitable for Brno Super. However, if you are looking for a detachable mounting solution to fit on your rifle, we recommend this Rusan roll-off mount. It is made of high-quality steel and comes with a ten-year warranty.

Help Us Build Our Riflescope Mounts Database

If you happen to own this or any other rifle, we would appreciate it if you could help us expand our database by sending us some photos of the rifle receiver (the bare mounting surface of the rifle without the scope mounts installed). For your help, our company offers a fair return in terms of practical rewards.

Please send us an email for more information. You can contact us here: [email protected] 

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